Judging by the lack of e-mails and comments saying: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!? I'm guessing you all were busy too.
Do you guys like these awesome glasses from my friend Puddles?
She's always liked Master's glasses so she sent me some so I can look really cool like him.
A huge thank you as you can tell, I really love to do photo shoots so Puddles, I can't wait to send you some awesome gift so you can be tortured treated to a fun day of photo taking.
Ok, so back on topic: Where have I been?
It was awesome and wonderful and everything it should be. Oh, except that I got NOTHING except these glasses. Someone alert the media about my mistreatment.

As for Star, after Christmas, she went to stay at a Taysia Blue volunteer's house and Mrs. Master and I hightailed it out of town.
You see, Master's brother was getting married and the bachelor party was at Webster Manor.
As we are not bachelors, Mrs. Master and I went to stay with her parents.
I have no idea who this dog is sleeping by a very hot fire in the wood stove. Please pretend you never saw this. I am a snow dog and love to sleep on ice.
Ok, the best part is that I got to go to day care and stay the night there the day of the wedding.
The worst part is that these two lame-os took a family photo without me.
I'll photoshop myself in.
Party Animal,
Nora B. Webster