Sunday, December 30, 2012

Where I've Been

Judging by the lack of e-mails and comments saying:  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?  I'm guessing you all were busy too.

Do you guys like these awesome glasses from my friend Puddles?

She's always liked Master's glasses so she sent me some so I can look really cool like him.

A huge thank you as you can tell, I really love to do photo shoots so Puddles, I can't wait to send you some awesome gift so you can be tortured treated to a fun day of photo taking.  

Ok, so back on topic:  Where have I been?


It was awesome and wonderful and everything it should be.  Oh, except that I got NOTHING except these glasses.  Someone alert the media about my mistreatment.

As for Star, after Christmas, she went to stay at a Taysia Blue volunteer's house and Mrs. Master and I hightailed it out of town.

You see, Master's brother was getting married and the bachelor party was at Webster Manor.

As we are not bachelors, Mrs. Master and I went to stay with her parents.

I have no idea who this dog is sleeping by a very hot fire in the wood stove.  Please pretend you never saw this.  I am a snow dog and love to sleep on ice.

Ok, the best part is that I got to go to day care and stay the night there the day of the wedding.

The worst part is that these two lame-os took a family photo without me.

I'll photoshop myself in.

Party Animal,

Nora B. Webster

Friday, December 21, 2012

Starr's First Snow

Star is from Florida. At first she was afraid of the snow. Don't worry, she understands how great it is now!!!

I'm posting this from Mrs. Master's phone. Hope it works.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Can you believe these two kids...

Are the same as these two kids four years ago?

It goes without saying that they're even happier now than they were then.  I mean, how could they not be?

Happy Anniversary to my two favorite humans.

Nora B. Webster

Sunday, December 16, 2012

From Zow to Wow

Do you guys remember this guy?

We all prayed and prayed for him as he fought parvo.

He was with us for two months and was so skinny.

We met up with Ginko (formally known as Boris) this weekend and went on a hike.  You can't see him very well b/c Mrs. Master was manning the camera and a couple of pups but he looks SO GOOD.  He's SO HAPPY.

And that's why we foster.  That's absolutely why.

Oh hey, OP Pack, they live by you...maybe you see them sometimes?

Foster Trainer Forever,

Nora B. Webster

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I don't know about you guys, but my humans get really lazy when it's cold out.

When our meet up group proposed a LONG hike, I thought, "OH YES!  Mrs. Master is in need of a good work out."

As any good personal trainer does, I pushed her to WALK FASTER!

Master's mom came with us and documented my fine work (isn't she such a great photographer?).

This was right before we got back to the car and I was still encouraging her to PICK UP THE PACE!

Leader of the pack,

Nora B. Webster

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gift Ideas

Just practicing being good for Santa Paws and any relatives who may be reading.

For your shopping convienence, I thought I'd give you some gift ideas for this Christmas.

You see, my vet report came back today and I have NO PARASITES!  This means I get a real gift instead of expensive medicine.

A Diggler Dog Scooter.

It seems a no brainer that I would want one of these.  The trick was convincing Mrs. Master to want one too.  We figure since it's on both our lists, we'll get one together. *hint* *hint*

 When you are a famous star like me, you need appropriate bling on your walks.  Obviously, I'm in need of a L. E. D. leash.

No explanation needed.

Go ahead and send your packages to:

Nora B. Webster
Webster Manor
Kansas City Metro Area

The postman knows me.

Waiting Anxiously,

Nora B. Webster

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I think we all agree that I have an excellent sense of humor.

Do you know what's not funny?

Having someone put a sticker on your furs.

This post has more to do with furs than stickers though.

First, let me tell you that Star is doing so much better at our house.  Someday, I'll get into the ins and outs of Star's problems but that's not what this post is about.

Remember when I asked you about vacuums?
If you look beyond Star onto the floor behind her right ear, you'll see our vacuum.

It's a Neat-o Pet and Allergy Vac.  While I think it's very rude as it regularly interrupts my napping, my humans love it.  Something about, "I can walk barefoot on our hardwood floors now."

And,  "We don't have any dog fur tumbleweeds anymore."

Humans are rude,

Nora B. Webster